Good golly, Miss Molly, word doesn’t half get around quickly!  Aunty Social has had a great response, thank you, thanl you, thank you!  It’s lovely to know that people are interested and want to get involved.  We will hosting own very own arts and crafts marquee at Yomofo ALFRESCO

  Just had a fab evening trying out some craft activities for future workshops. We’ve been making bracelets and earrings out of lovely beads, definitely a winner. We <3 bracelets!   It’s easy to set up and with a little imagination, anyone can make something lovely. I must warn you

We’re looking for venues in the Blackpool & Fylde area to host some ‘pop-up’ craft workshops.  These venues could be cafes, libraries, empty shops.  If you know of anywhere, do leave a comment or join the discussion at You can always tweet us

B a c k T o T o p B a c k T o T o p