Access NFTS: Inspire BLACKPOOL

Access NFTS: Inspire BLACKPOOL

18 February 2025    
10:00am - 1:00pm
Whether already interested in film, TV and games, or haven’t yet discovered the world of opportunities behind the camera come be inspired! Whether you are [...]
Queer Craft Club

Queer Craft Club

19 February 2025    
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Hang out with fellow adults who identify under the queer and trans (LGBTQIA+) umbrella, enjoy yummy snacks and a chilled craft session! You can work [...]
The Social Lit

The Social Lit

24 February 2025    
7:00pm - 9:30pm
The Social Lit is a reading group meeting monthly at Aunty Social’s home on Topping Street.Covering a wide variety of genres and themes we are [...]
Culture Club: Quick Pickles workshop (morning)

Culture Club: Quick Pickles workshop (morning)

26 February 2025    
11:00am - 1:00pm
Learn the fundamentals of pickling at our relaxed, introductory quick pickles making workshop. Welcome to Culture Club.
Culture Club: Quick Pickles workshop (afternoon)

Culture Club: Quick Pickles workshop (afternoon)

26 February 2025    
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Learn the fundamentals of pickling at our relaxed, introductory quick pickles making workshop. Welcome to Culture Club.
Nerdvana Games Night

Nerdvana Games Night

27 February 2025    
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Join Nerdvana Northwest at Aunty Social for their monthly games night. There will be new games to learn and play, or bring your own favourites [...]
Odie's Pottery: Casual Clay Sessions

Odie's Pottery: Casual Clay Sessions

27 February 2025    
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Head on down to Aunty Social and join our friends from Odie's for one of their popular Casual Clay hand-building sessions, now in Blackpool! This [...]
Queer Craft Club - LGBT+ History Month Special

Queer Craft Club - LGBT+ History Month Special

28 February 2025    
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Join Teddy Bear Josh (They/He) to celebrate LGBT+ History Month with a variety of mini crafts that inspire activism and social change.
Knittaz with Attitude - knitting, crochet & all kinds of social stitchery.

Knittaz with Attitude - knitting, crochet & all kinds of social stitchery.

3 March 2025    
6:15pm - 8:30pm
Bring your own crafty projects or have a play with some of our kit. We'll have good tunes, yummy veggie/vegan food and plenty of brews. [...]
Fylde Coast Amnesty

Fylde Coast Amnesty

3 March 2025    
7:30pm - 9:00pm
We are a group of volunteers based on the Fylde Coast. We meet every month, at Aunty Social, Blackpool, to discuss human rights issues, both [...]
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