Job Opportunity
Aunty Social is seeking staff to support their upcoming BFI-supported Young Filmmakers Club.

This spring, we’re launching a new club that will support 15 budding filmmakers aged 12-15 yrs. They’ll learn how films are made and try out lots of different skills including scriptwriting, model-making, filming on location, cinematography and video editing. Their final film will be shown at a big showcase event for friends and family.
We’re recruiting the following roles:
Film Club Assistant
Expected time commitment:
10 half day (5 hour) sessions and a showcase event between 30 March 2021 and 19 June 2021.
£9.50 per hour
Total 50 hours
The Old Electric, Springfield Road, Blackpool
The Magic Club
If coronavirus restrictions do not allow physical sessions, we will host the sessions online (via Zoom)
Film Club Coordinator
Expected time commitment:
1 day per week (7.5 hours)
£11 per hour
Total 82.5 hours
Working from home
Occasional Blackpool town centre meetings (if coronavirus restrictions allow).
The roles are to start week commencing 22 March 2021, please note that the start/end dates may alter slightly depending on Coronavirus safety restrictions.
Please see the Role Descriptions for detailed information.
If you are interested, please submit a CV and either:
- a short covering letter explaining why you would like the role and how you meet the requirements; OR
- A link to a short video explaining why you would like the role and how you meet the requirements

Please send your application email to [email protected]
Closing date: 12 noon Friday 12 March 2021
If you have any questions please email [email protected]
We will acknowledge receipt of your application.
Short interviews will take place between 5:30pm and 7pm on Tuesday 16 March and Wednesday 17 March 2021.

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